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The Electro-Voice Model RE85
omnidirectional dynamic lavalier microphone

RCA Type RE85

Description and Applications
The Electro-Voice RE85 miniature lavalier micro­phone provides the ulti­mate in quality and versatility for the professional user. By means of a new internally shock-mounted micro­phone capsule, the RE85 can offer protec­tion from mechanical noise due to contact with clothes and cord conduc­tion to a degree never before possible. This miniature micro­phone can be used held in the hand, hung on a neck cord, or suspended on a tie clip as­sembly, leaving the hands of an announcer or performer free. It is excellent for audience partici­pa­tion, man-in-the-street interviews, panel shows—wherever mic concealment, individual mobility, or free movement of the hands is desired. No closely associated auxiliary equipment is required.

Wearing the RE85

The RE85 employs a unique new nesting shock-mount principle, similar to that employed in the Electro-Voice Model RE50. The complete generating element and necessary auxiliary parts are contained in an internal capsule which is precision shock-mounted in highly compliant rubber inside an extremely rugged and durable turned-steel case. The normal problems of mechanical noise conduction associated with lavalier micro­phones (noises from contact with clothing, from cord contact with clothing, from cord contact with clothing and hard objects) are virtually eliminated.

The RE85 features the exclusive Electro-Voice Acoustalloy diaphragm. This non-metallic diaphragm withstands high humidity, temperature extremes, corrosive effects of salt air, and severe mechanical shocks. It is practically indestructible with normal use.

Electro-Voice Model RE85

The RE85 is supplied equipped with three specially designed accessories intended to increase the usefulness and mounting convenience of the micro­phone—a lavalier neck cord assembly from which the micro­phone can hang, mounted in a normal lavalier fashion on the chest of the user; a lavalier tie clip assembly, which allows hanging the micro­phone in a po­sition similar to that of a tie clip; and a belt clip which can be used to keep the cord in constant position with uniform tension on the micro­phone. The cord assembly is supplied attached to the micro­phone. Used in conjunction with the neck cord assembly or tie clip assembly, the belt clip also helps to prevent unwanted mechanical noise. After inserting the cable in the clip shown in Figure 1, simply attach it to the belt at one side. It may also be clipped over the edge of a pocket or lapel.

A protective zipper pouch is also provided to house the micro­phone and its accessories, shielding the micro­phone from metal filings, airborne magnet­ic particles and dust when not in use.

Quoted from Electro-Voice, Inc. Engineering Data Sheet No. 534972-410

RCA Type RE85 Belt clip

Figure 1

Frequency response

Figure 2


spec sheet

Download the data sheet for this mic.

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